Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Growing Pains

Well needless to say, I am growing. It seems to me that I get bigger overnight sometimes. Like on Sunday night I think I grew 2 inches (and I don't mean taller). My clothes are getting tighter and feel much more annoying. Luckily, Emily and my parents bought me some maternity clothes so I have been wearing those off and on. It's not really much fun being in the questionable stage. I constantly think people are probably thinking I just have a beer belly or something. I'd rather look really pregnant or really not :) With all my complaining out of the way, it really is nice to know that you are growing because you have a beautiful baby inside of you. Whenever I'm having a hard day I tend to find myself rubbing my stomach as if my baby is having a hard day too. Oh the joy...

1 comment:

  1. I think once you look really pregnant you'll long for the days when you just had a "beer belly". Once you get to the point where I can't call you Fatty anymore without getting slapped will you do me a favor and (sorry if I offend any readers who have done this) not take any professional pictures of your pregnant belly. I understand you'll probably want to take a picture here and there of the growing belly but the professional pics with shirt pulled up over the belly like someone's trying to model are a little creepy.
    Also could you update your blog more than once every week? I'm growing tired of checking it and there being no new post. Maybe you could coerce your husband into a post or two. Thanks.
