Friday, April 23, 2010


I don't think I've blogged much about this before, but I have been having the worst pregnancy nightmares. They say that nightmares are common during pregnancy, especially with first time mothers, but still they aren't pleasant at all. It seems that most of my nightmares revolve around something happening to one of our dogs. They are really disturbing and cause me to wake up in fear that something is truly wrong with Annie or Hayden. I have had pretty consist ant nightmares about this and really wish they would stop.

I would like to reiterate that I know that I will LOVE Lola, however this pregnancy thing isn't all it's cracked up to me. As I've said before, I know a lot of people say how much they LOVED being pregnant...and that just amazes me. I'm glad that it is a pleasant time for some, but really can't wait until 9 months is over!

I went to the doctor yesterday and she said everything looks good. She said the baby is a good size and although I have only gained one pound, I am still doing okay. She told me to drink Ensure or Boost in order to keep nutrients in my body. I don't go back until June 2nd because of other conflicts with school, etc. I will have the gestational diabetes test done then. After that appointment, I go three weeks later and then start going every two weeks. My summer/beginning of school will be filled with doctor visits. I kind of like going more often though because I like to ensure that everything is going well.

Much love,
Sarah Ann

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