Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Today Keith and I got to go to the doctor and we had our very first ultrasound. 12 weeks and 1 day is kind of late for an ultrasound (or so the doctor said) but it was neat because the baby actually looked like a baby. She said the baby was pretty big and even thought my due date should be moved up a few days or more. She said September 7th is more accurate as of now, but that it could be even sooner. The baby was going crazy inside my belly....moving all around up and down, hiding its face and yanking on the umbilical cord. It looked like an adorable, very squirmy, funny little baby. Whenever the lady said that the ultrasound was over, the baby quit sucking its thumb and seemed to wave (I promise, it was crazy!) Keith and I both started cracking up. It was a wonderful experience.