Saturday, February 20, 2010


So the news is finally out and it feels so good. I hated keeping the secret and really wanted to talk about my pregnancy with people - especially with my family and friends. Keith and I went yesterday and had our first official doctor's appointment. We waited an hour and fifteen minutes in the waiting room and were getting a little restless. After that they called us back in and we had to answer what seemed like a million questions. Then they told us we would have to talk to high risk doctors because of our kidney issues. But after that they let us hear the heartbeat. The lady said that it may be difficult to hear and that sometimes the baby won't cooperate so not to get upset if we couldn't hear it. Then she put the thing on my stomach and the heartbeat just started booming. She said "Whoa this baby has got quite a heartbeat." We smiled and both sort of teared up a little bit. We go back in on Monday to do the first ultrasound. Then we have an appointment on March 1st and again on March 17th. I feel like we need to just camp out at the office or something. But it's all worth it. When we were leaving our obgyn (who we had just met that day) she laughed at us making jokes and said "Y'all are going to be such great parents." It made us both so happy to hear that. Can't wait until Monday!

-Sarah Ann

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